Neowise, July 2020
12th July, 2020.
Canon EOS 700D, Zoom 100-400L à 180mm of focal length.
Registration of 6 pictures.
12th July, 2020.
Canon EOS 700D, Zoom 100-400L à 100mm of focal length.
12th July, 2020.
Canon EOS 700D, Zoom 18-135 à 50mm of focal length.
10th July, 2020.
Canon EOS 700D, Zoom 100-400L à 170mm of focal length.
Lovejoy, January 2015
22nd January, 2015.
Images taken with a Canon EOS 650D.
On the left, registration of 15 pictures, zoom lens 70-200mm, 800ISO.
On the right, registration of 19 pictures with a 80*500 refractor, 6400ISO.
Holmes, October/November 2007
October/November 2007.
Images taken with a Canon Rebel 300D.
On the left, registration of 10 pictures with a 80*500 refractor.
On the right, registration of 10 pictures at the prime focus of the C8.
Mac Naught, January 2007
18th January, 2007.
The comet Mac Naught, very low on the horizon, it is a bit shrouded in
the colors of the sunset.
Canon Rebel 300D, Zoom-lens 55-200, 200mm of focal length.
Canon Rebel 300D, Zoom-lens 55-200, 200mm of focal length.
Picture is a crop on the comet itself.
Machholz, January 2005
4th January, 2005.
The comet Machholz
Canon Rebel 300D, zoom 200mm
5 shots of 2.5 minutes exposure, sensitivity 400ISO.