The Sun

09th of May 2016, 15h30GMT.

Transit of Mercury in front of the Sun.
Mercury is at the center on the left of the Sun. A bit higher on the right, it is the group #2542 of sunspots.

Photography with a digital SLR Canon 650D, at the prime focus of an Astronomix 80x500 refractor.

1/800 of second, sensibility 100ISO.


30th of April, 2005.

TSunspot TS756, ToucamPro at the focus of the 80x500 refractor, with a 2x barlow.
150 pictures froma 300 pictures film, processing by Registax v2.


14th of July 2004, 15hGMT.

Photography with a digital SLR Canon 300D (Rebel), at the prime focus of an Astronomix 80x500 refractor.

Addition of five shots at 1/2500 of second, sensibility 200ISO.

The color of the Sun has been modified with Photoshop, the Astrosolar filter giving a pale blueish picture.